
Biologists @ 100

100 extraordinary biologists

As we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of The Company of Biologists, we are looking back at some of the amazing accomplishments in the field and the researchers behind them. Extraordinary has many faces and there are many more people who have helped shape the field of biology and The Company of Biologists than we can highlight here. Throughout 2025, we will put a spotlight on 100 biologists with an extraordinary link to the Company, each of them having made an important contribution in their own right. Please join us in celebrating our colleagues.

New faces will appear on this page every week. In the meantime, join the conversation on our social media channels, using #100biologists.

Daniel Ríos Barrera - Daniel Ríos Barrera has been featured in Development's ‘Transitions in development’ interviews and the Node's ‘Lab meetings’ series, as well as contributing a Biology Open ‘Future leader’ review. Daniel is a group leader at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.
Amanda Haage - Amanda Haage posted the first preLight in 2018 and set an example for others to follow. She advocates for academic cultural change and is a KaessEndowed Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology at the University of North Dakota, USA.
Steve Kelly - Steve Kelly, former Editor-in-Chief of Biology Open and Company Director, was involved in commencing the biodiversity initiative, The Forest of Biologists. He is co-founder of Wild Bioscience Ltd and a Professor of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford, UK, studying the biology of photosynthesis in plants.
Vivian Siegel - Vivian Siegel was the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Disease Models & Mechanisms. With a long career in science communication, education and outreach, and as editor of leading scientific journals, Vivian is currently a lecturer at MIT and a Research Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University, USA.
Fiona Watt - Fiona Watt served as Journal of Cell Science Editor-in-Chief from 1992 to 2012. Fiona is the current Director of the European Molecular Biology Organization, Germany. Her research on mammalian epidermis has been key in understanding how stem cells maintain adult tissues.
Michael Abercrombie - Michael Abercrombie served as the first Editor and a key figure in the founding of JEEM, now Development, and the BSDB. Michael was an influential experimental embryologist and the Director of the Strangeways Research Laboratory, UK, amongst other remarkable positions.
Daniel Gorelick - Daniel Gorelick is the current Editor-in-Chief of Biology Open, aiming to improve author experience by providing fair and timely decisions on manuscripts. Dan is Associate Professor and Zebrafish Core Director at Baylor College of Medicine, USA, investigating endocrine-disrupting chemicals’ influence on embryonic development.
Liz Patton - Liz Patton is the current Disease Models & Mechanisms Editor-in-Chief after serving as Editor since 2014. As MRC Investigator at The University of Edinburgh, UK, she uses chemical genetic approaches in zebrafish to investigate gene-drug interactions in melanocyte development and melanoma biology.
Michael Way - Michael Way is the current Journal of Cell Science Editor-in-Chief after serving as an Editor since 2005. He is a Principal Group Leader at The Crick, UK, researching the role of Arp2/3 iso-complexes, actin and microtubules in Vaccinia virus infection and other processes.
Holly Shiels - Cardiac physiologist Holly Shiels (University of Manchester, UK) is a Company Director and Organisation Committee Chair for the Biologists @ 100 conference. Holly published her first paper in Journal Experimental Biology and received a Travelling Fellowship. Today, her students are also Travelling Fellowship recipients.
James Briscoe - James Briscoe is Development's current Editor-in-Chief, and formerly a Director at The Company of Biologists (2004-2018) involved in initiating the Workshops programme. James is a Principal Group Leader at The Crick, UK, interested in spinal cord development.
Tamina Lebek - BSDB ECR representative Tamina Lebek has been interviewed by the Node and given a Development presents… talk. Tamina is a PhD student at The University of Edinburgh, UK, and has developed a neighbour-labelling system called PUFFFIN to investigate cell communication.
Craig Franklin - Craig Franklin is the current Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Experimental Biology and former President of the Society for Experimental Biology. Based at The University of Queensland, Australia, Craig is a comparative and ecological physiologist, with a particular focus on conservation physiology.
Sarah Bray - Sarah Bray is the current Chair of the Board, having been a Director since 2016 and a Professor at the University of Cambridge, UK with a research interest in Notch signalling.
Aymen al-Rawi - Aymen al-Rawi is a BSCB Postdoc representative involved in the ‘Early-career researcher session’ of the Biologists @ 100 conference. Aymen is a postdoc researcher examining post-translational modifications and proteomics at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK.
Nadia Rosenthal - Founding Editor Nadia Rosenthal drew the first cover image – Adam Emergent – when Disease Models & Mechanisms launched in 2008. Nadia is Scientific Director of The Jackson Laboratory, USA, where she uses complex mouse genetic diversity panels to investigate mammalian development, disease and repair.
Vincent Wigglesworth - Vincent Wigglesworth was the fourth Journal of Experimental Biology Editor-in-Chief and published in three of our Company’s journals. He indulged his passion for insect physiology by studying disease-bearing species while a lecturer at LSHTM, UK, which he continued after joining the University of Cambridge, UK.
Monica Justice - Monica Justice - Monica Justice has served as Disease Models & Mechanisms Editor-in-Chief, Senior Editor, Editor and now Editorial Advisory Board member. She is a Senior Scientist Emeritus at SickKids and conducts pioneering research which merges mouse modelling with clinical genetics to understand disease.
Jordan Raff - Former Company Director and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Biology Open, Jordan Raff is based at the University of Oxford. His lab works to understand the basic molecular mechanisms that regulate the assembly and function of centrioles and centrosomes.
Anahi Binagui-Cases - Anahi Binagui-Cases is a BSDB early-career representative involved in the Biologists @ 100 conference and a Development Travelling Fellowship awardee. She participated in the 2020 Workshop on human birth defects and investigates vertebrate development at The University of Edinburgh.
George Parker Bidder III - Prominent marine biologist George Parker Bidder III is accredited with founding The Company of Biologists in 1925 to save the British Journal of Experimental Biology. He served as the inaugural Managing Director and Secretary, remaining on the Board until 1942.

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