
What else can be done?

Becoming more sustainable as a business and as an industry, is work in progress. We would love to hear from you with ideas on how our community can become more sustainable. This can cover anything from sustainability at events, to sustainability in the lab. We will gather and review all your ideas and will report back at the end of the conference. Adding your name and your email address is optional, but please consider providing us with this information if you would be open to us contacting you about your ideas in the future. Thank you in advance for helping us and your community on our sustainability journey.

Share your sustainable ideas

    First name

    Last name


    How can biological research be made more sustainable?

    What are the biggest challenges that you, as a biologist, are confronted with as a result of climate change?

    Other than funding, what additional resources would help you to put more sustainable actions into practice?

    If you have previously applied for a grant from our ‘Fund for Innovations in Sustainable Conferencing’ (formerly known as Sustainable Conferencing Grants), please give details and let us know how it helped you deliver your sustainable vision.

    What do you think about the sustainability actions put in practice at the Biologists @ 100 conference?

    Please upload any relevant pictures

    We respect your personal data and will never sell it on to third parties. We only share your details, where absolutely necessary, with our trusted support partners. See our privacy policy for more information.

    © 2025 The Company of Biologists Ltd | Registered Charity 277992
    Registered in England and Wales | Company Limited by Guarantee No 514735
    Registered office: Bidder Building, Station Road, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9LF, UK