
Step 1: Provide information to enable your account to be set up on CCC’s RightsLink platform

We use the RightsLink solution from CCC (Copyright Clearance Center) to manage our Read & Publish workflows, including the automatic identification of corresponding authors. To enable us to register your Read & Publish agreement on the RightsLink system, we need you to provide us with:

  • details of the billing contact at your institution
  • details of the member/s of staff who will need to access the portal

For data protection reasons, it is necessary for you to provide this information even if you already have a CCC account.

What you need to do

Please complete the CCC spreadsheet that has been emailed to you and return it to us at subscriptions@biologists.com. If you have not received a copy, please contact us.

You will receive an automated welcome email from CCC when your account has been set up and we will be in touch shortly afterwards with your log-in details.

Step 2: Ensure that information about the agreement is available in the Journal Checker Tool

The Journal Checker Tool from cOAlition S supports authors in finding Plan S compliant “routes” through which to publish their articles. The tool allows an author to enter the name of a funder, an institution and the journal to which they plan to submit an article, and checks if this combination of funder, institution and journal offers any route to compliance with Plan S.

The Journal Checker Tool derives its list of recognised transformative agreements from the ESAC Registry which collects and summarises information on agreements being signed worldwide.

What you need to do

To register your Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists on the ESAC Registry, please complete this online form.

Step 3: Sign up to theIPRegistry.org

Our partnership with the IPRegistry.org enables librarians to check and update their IP address data in a central place and to communicate changes to participating publishers – including The Company of Biologists – simultaneously with a single click.

What you need to do

If your library has not yet signed up to theIPRegistry.org, you can do so free of charge here.

Step 4: Building awareness

We are keen to support you in informing researchers at your institution about the agreement and the “read” and “publish” benefits that it offers them.

Marketing materials to support your internal communication

A range of posters, flyers and social media graphics are available as part of our librarian toolkit to help you with internal communications. Please contact us if you would like us to prepare customised versions for you, including your institution name and logo.

X (formerly Twitter) announcement

X is a powerful tool to inform your researchers about the agreement. So we will tweet news of the agreement from The Company of Biologists’ X account. We will include your institutional logo, and your library and institutional handles where possible, and it would be great if you could share the tweet to raise awareness amongst your followers. Please let us know if you do not want us to tweet.

We would also be delighted to share announcement/s you make about the agreement if you tag us:

  • The Company of Biologists: @Co_Biologists
  • Development: @Dev_journal
  • Journal of Cell Science: @J_Cell_Sci
  • Journal of Experimental Biology: @J_Exp_Biol
  • Disease Models & Mechanisms: @DMM_Journal
  • Biology Open: @BiologyOpen


Email to authors

We will email researchers at your institution who have published in our journals recently to let them know about the agreement and how it benefits them. We will also include a link to our step-by-step guide for authors.

Information on our website

To enable your researchers to check whether or not they are eligible for free Open Access publishing in our journals, we have added your institution to our list of participating institutions.

We have also mentioned the agreement in the library news section of our website.

Please let us know if you do not want your institution featured in this way.

Keep up to date with the latest library news and events

Librarian toolkit

Poster, social media graphics, website banners – all of which can be customised for your institution.

What do authors say about Read & Publish agreements?

Read & Publish guide for authors

See our step-by-step guide for corresponding authors.

Visit our journal websites

Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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Registered office: Bidder Building, Station Road, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9LF, UK