
Scientific Meeting Grants

Grants of up to £6,000 are available to help with the cost of in-person or virtual meetings, workshops or conferences in the fields covered by our journals.

Small Meeting Grants

We offer grants of up to £400 to cover the cost of a small meeting with a maximum budget of £1,000.

Fund for Innovations in Sustainable Conferencing

Through our Fund for Innovations in Sustainable Conferencing, we offer grants of up to £2,500 to encourage and support innovative ideas that will enable events to become more sustainable.

Travelling Fellowships

Offering up to £3,000 to graduate students and postdocs, Travelling Fellowships help early-career researchers undertake collaborative visits to other laboratories. With no restriction on nationality, these grants are designed to offset the cost of travel, accommodation and other related expenses.

DMM Conference Travel Grants

Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) offers Conference Travel Grants of up to £600 to early-career researchers wanting to attend in-person and virtual meetings, conferences, workshops and training courses that relate to the scope of the journal. We also welcome applications from independent group leaders and PIs with no independent funding.

JCS-FocalPlane Training Grants

Journal of Cell Science (JCS) and FocalPlane offer Training Grants of up to £1,000 to early-career researchers wanting to attend microscopy training courses that will benefit their research in the field of cell biology. These grants are designed to support those who wouldn’t otherwise have sufficient funding to attend.

JEB Grants for junior faculty staff

To celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2023, Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB) launched two new grants to support junior faculty staff (e.g. Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Group Leader, Principal Investigator).

Research Partnership Kickstart Travel Grants of up to £2000 support junior faculty staff to travel to another research lab to initiate a new research collaboration and develop, write and submit a major grant application for collaborative research.

ECR Visiting Fellowships of up to £3000 provide funding to junior faculty staff to attract an early-career researcher (e.g. graduate student or post-doctoral researcher) to undertake a defined research project in their lab for one to three months.

Development’s Pathway to Independence programme

Providing mentorship, training and networking opportunities, this programme aims to support researchers active in a field relevant to Development (animal and plant developmental biology, stem cells or regeneration) as they transition from postdoc to principal investigator.

Grants to scientific societies

The Company of Biologists funds various societies, both large and small. Three of the societies we fund (British Society for Developmental BiologyBritish Society for Cell Biology and the Society for Experimental Biology) use part of our funding to provide travel grants in order to support early-career scientists who wish to attend conferences. Please contact the relevant society for more information.

Application portal

Register to apply for our grants, monitor your application progress and submit reports.

Stories from grant recipients

Hear from our grant recipients and learn about their events on our stories page.

Sign up for grant news

Stay up to date with the latest news about our grants.

Biology Open Meeting Reviews

Recipients of Scientific Meeting Grants are eligible to apply to publish a Meeting Review free of charge in Biology Open.

Contact us

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Supporting science

We believe that everyone has the opportunity to share and benefit from scientific discovery. Our journals are included in initiatives that provide free and unrestricted access for the world’s poorest nations to environmental and biomedical literature.



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Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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