
Video collection: Read & Publish and Open Access

The Company of Biologists has been committed to Open Access since 2004 and we have a track record of innovation. We were one of the first not-for-profit publishers to launch a cost-neutral Read & Publish Open Access initiative and our hybrid journals were the first in the world to be afforded Transformative Journal status by Plan S.

Our Read & Publish initiative has gone from strength to strength, and corresponding authors at Over 850 institutions in 51 countries now benefit from fee-free Open Access publishing in our journals as well as access to the journals and their backfiles.

We have had wonderful feedback about our Read & Publish initiative from librarians, authors and editors-in-chief. Hear what they say in our expanding collection of videos.

We have also recorded a series of general and introductory videos on key topics in Open Access publishing – from transformative Journals to transparent metrics.

Read & Publish - for librarians

Hear a librarian's experience of negotiating a Read & Publish agreement - Judith Russell (Dean of Libraries at the University of Florida) talks to Claire Moulton (Publisher at The Company of Biologists).

What are the challenges and benefits of implementing Open Access agreements? Learn more from Judith Russell (Dean of Libraries at the University of Florida), Claire Moulton (Publisher at The Company of Biologists) and Alicia Wise (Executive Director of CLOCKSS) in this recording of a session at ER&L in 2021.

How do transformative agreements help to remove the barriers to Open Access publishing? Learn more in this roundtable discussion including Angus Cook (Director of Content Procurement at CAUL), Craig Franklin (Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Experimental Biology), Claire Moulton (Publisher at The Company of Biologists) and Alicia Wise (Executive Director of CLOCKSS) in this recording of a session at ALIA in 2021.

Fee-free Open Access publishing for corresponding authors in 30 developing and transition countries - learn about our landmark Read & Publish agreement with EIFL from Romy Beard (Licensing Programme Manager at EIFL) in conversation with our Publisher Claire Moulton.

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A visit to The Forest of Biologists

18 January 2024

Our Publisher Claire Moulton recently visited the two Woodland Trust UK sites where we are planting new native trees for published Research and Review papers and protecting ancient woodland on behalf of our peer reviewers.

Visit our journal websites

Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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