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Imaging Cell Dynamics

Organisers: Francesca Bottanelli, Guillaume Jacquemet and Michael Way

Date: 11 - 14 May 2026

Location: Montanyà Hotel, Catalonia, Spain

Following on from our successful meeting in 2023, we are delighted to announce a second iteration of our ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’ meeting to be held in 2026. This meeting will provide a unique opportunity to bring together experts working at the interface between cell biology and imaging, with a focus on researchers who use advanced light and electron microscopy approaches, and novel image analysis tools.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Super resolution imaging
  • Correlative light and electron microscopy
  • Cryo-electron tomography
  • Expansion microscopy
  • Organelle dynamics
  • Membrane trafficking
  • Cytoskeletal dynamics
  • Cell and tissue dynamics
  • Image analysis

The meeting will feature talks from an outstanding set of invited speakers with opportunities for short talks and poster presentations.

We are excited to showcase the rapid and exciting progress in this field, and to nurture this growing community.

About our Journal Meetings

The teams behind our journals bring you the most relevant and challenging topics for discussion through a series of international meetings.

Important meetings serving the communities around our journals.

Each meeting is individually crafted to suit the topic and audience, ranging from small intimate meetings with a focus on intense and detailed discussion to larger meetings with a focus on networking and opportunities for attendees to more widely share their latest research.

Themes explored in the Journal Meetings go on to be discussed in the Company’s journals, helping to shape the field and even the journals themselves.

About our Workshops

The Company of Biologists is widely known for its excellence in scientific publishing and it now runs a successful high level series of Workshops. The Workshops provide leading experts and early career scientists from a diverse range of scientific backgrounds with a stimulating environment for the cross fertilization of interdisciplinary ideas. The programmes are carefully developed and are intended to champion the novel techniques and innovations that will underpin important scientific advances.

Visit our journal websites

Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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