... Fernald_5-K20_2472_edit
Photo credit: Russell Fernald


Speakers should limit the duration of their presentations to 30 minutes to ensure ample time for discussion and transition between speakers.

Click on the title of each presentation to view the abstract.

Sunday 20 March

17.00 Registration and conference materials (Taechi Bar)

18.00 Welcome reception and drinks (Taechi Bar)

Introductory lecture (Conference Room) (Chair: Daniel Kronauer)

19.00 Harmit Singh Malik (Fred Hutchinson Research Center, USA)

Genetic conflicts: beyond the usual suspects

20.00 Dinner (Restaurant)

Monday 21 March

Session 1. Vertebrates (Chair: Daniel Kronauer)

09.00-09.40 Karen Bales (University of California, Davis, USA)

Intergenerational transmission of the neurobiology of social bonds in a socially monogamous, biparental species, the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster)

09.45-10.25 Lauren O’Connell (Harvard University, USA)

Brain evolution and mechanisms underlying convergent social behavior

10.30 Refreshment break

11.00-11.40 Russell Fernald (Stanford University, USA)

Cognitive skills used for social behaviors

12.00 Lunch (Restaurant)

Session 2. Social insects (Chair: Joel Levine)

13.15-13.55 Daniel Kronauer (The Rockefeller University, USA)

Social dynamics in the clonal raider ant

14.00-14.40 Laurent Keller (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Supergenes, sex and sociality

14.45 Refreshment break

15.15-15.55 Kenji Matsuura (Kyoto University, Japan)

Genetics of social systems, social evolution and pheromone communication in termites

16.00-16.40 Solenn Patalano (The Babraham Institute, UK)

Epigenetic and transcriptional responsiveness of social insects to environmental changes

18.30 Aprés-ski (Taechi Bar)

19.30 Dinner 

Tuesday 22 March

Session 3. Drosophila (Chair: Daniel Kronauer)

09.00-09.40 Kristin Branson (Janelia Research Campus, USA)

Machine vision methods for tracking social interactions

09.45-10.25 Pavan Ramdya (California Institute of Technology, USA)

The neuronal basis for collective behavior in Drosophila

10.30 Refreshment break

11.00-11.40 Jonathan Schneider (University of Toronto, Canada)

Organization of social behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

11.45 Lunch (Restaurant)

12.30 Social event

19.00 Dinner in alpine hut

Wednesday 23 March

Session 4. Collective behaviour (Chair: Joel Levine)

09.00-09.40 Iain Couzin (Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany)

The evolution of physical computation in animal collectives

09.45-10.25 Ofer Tchernichovski (Hunter College, USA)

Development of coordinated social interactions in songbirds

10.30 Refreshment break

11.00-11.40 Ofer Feinerman (Weizmann Institute, Israel)

Balancing between group and individual during ant cooperative transport

11.45-12.25 Guy Theraulaz (CNRS, France)

Quantitative analysis and 3D modeling of collective nest construction in ants

12.30 Lunch (Restaurant)

13.15-16.30 JEB Editors Meeting (JEB Editors and Directors only)/Free time

Session 5. Microbes (Chair: Joel Levine)

16.30-17.10 Corina Tarnita (Princeton University, USA)

The ecology and evolution of social aggregations: case study Dictyostelium discoideum

17.15-17.55 Gregory Velicer (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

The evolution of social diversity in a cooperative microbe

18.00 General discussion and feedback (Chairs: Daniel Kronauer and Joel Levine)

19.30 Conference Dinner (including talk on ‘The History of Mürren’)

Thursday 24 March



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Journal of Experimental Biology is the leading journal in comparative physiology. JEB publishes papers on the form and function of living organisms at all levels of biological organisation, from the molecular and subcellular to the integrated whole animal.

About JEB Symposia

The JEB Symposia were launched in 1978 at the suggestion of the then Editor-in-Chief John Treherne. Their aim was, and still is, to review knowledge and stimulate further research in an expanding topic of experimental biology and to bring together scientists from different areas to encourage cross-fertilization of techniques and knowledge across specialization boundaries. Since the first symposium on ‘Cellular oscillators’, the annual JEB symposia have covered a diverse array of topics within experimental biology, highlighting the relevance and power of the comparative approach to mainstream physiology.

The main aim of the JEB Symposia is to unite outstanding biologists and bring together their varied expertise on one particular subject.  It is a leisurely meeting with enough time to talk and to discuss. The number of symposium delegates is limited to invited speakers only.

In order that the proceedings of each symposium are made available to biologists as soon as possible, speakers are invited to contribute a Review article to a ‘special issue’ of the journal. These special issues are freely available on the JEB website from the time of publication.

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