We are delighted with the new Read & Publish agreement between The Company of Biologists and the IISER Library Consortium. Researchers at participating institutions will benefit from the ability to publish an unlimited number of Open Access articles in all five journals. This mutually agreed arrangement is expected to yield excellent results within the Open Science landscape.
We are thrilled to publish APC-free in Biology Open through the Read & Publish agreement with the University of Barcelona. This remarkable agreement facilitates the prompt publication of our research in an Open Access format, thereby amplifying its readership and impact. It is a great way to ensure publicly funded research is available to everyone and authors can make their work reach a broad audience.
I chose to submit our work to Development because it is the best non-profit journal in the field. Finding out about the Read & Publish agreement between The Company of Biologists and Tel Aviv University was a welcomed surprise because I’m in favour of Open Access, but can’t always afford paying for it from my grants. The process was smooth and we are very happy with the outcome, allowing everyone to read our paper immediately
The Company of Biologists is doing great things for science and the community. The Read & Publish agreement with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine enabled immediate Open Access publishing of our research, maximising readership and impact.
I was delighted to find that we could publish in DMM for free through the Read & Publish agreement. This makes a real difference for papers like this and my lab is very supportive of this endeavour.
As an author, the post-acceptance processing of my paper was incredibly easy! The Read & Publish agreement meant that I didn’t personally have to arrange payment for the publication of my research, and everything was dealt with on my behalf by the journal staff and my institution. Open Access publication is a key requirement of my research funder, so knowing that this agreement was in place took a weight off my mind when I was preparing my manuscript for submission.
We are delighted with the Read & Publish agreement between University of Cambridge and The Company of Biologists. It was very smooth to publish Open Access in Development and this also helped us meet funder requirements.
I was very pleased to discover that Durham University has a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. This led to the seamless Open Access publishing of our article, which is important both for us in terms of getting our article widely available immediately, and for our funders who rightly require Open Access of publicly funded research.
It was great to discover that our institution (INIA-CSIC) has a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. I was very happy to be able to publish our article in Development with this agreement. The procedure was smooth and efficient, if only all publishers would adopt similar practices.
I was very happy to be able to publish our article in the Journal of Cell Science immediately Open Access under the Read & Publish agreement with my institution. The procedure was smooth and efficient, if only all publishers could do the same.