
Dr Thomas Tischer, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), UK

Our institution and funders require Open Access publishing and we believe that scientific knowledge should be open and accessible. After spending so much time on our work, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that the Read & Publish agreement between the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and The Company of Biologists allows us to immediately make our article free to everyone without any additional article processing charges. This made the final step of our journey hassle-free and it was really quick getting it published.

Dr Nicolas Tapon, Francis Crick Institute, UK

After all the time spent on revisions, formatting, and doing careful last-minute checks on your manuscript, the last thing you want is to struggle with Open Access compliance and organising payment of page charges! The Read & Publish agreement between my institution and The Company of Biologists meant getting our accepted manuscript out there for all to see was only a click away. Simple and efficient!

Dr Robert Mahen, University of Cambridge, UK

If possible scientific knowledge should be open to everyone. It is great that I could publish my work immediately Open Access as part of the Read & Publish agreement between the University of Cambridge and The Company of Biologists.

Acaimo Gonzalez-Reyes, Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo, CSIC, Spain

We were very pleased to have our paper published Open Access for free in Development, thanks to the Read & Publish deal between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and The Company of Biologists. Our work ought to reach a wider audience and contribute to making science globally accessible.

Professor David Stephens, University of Bristol, UK

We always seek to make our research available Open Access and the new Read & Publish agreement has hugely simplified that process for us as authors and also, I hope, for our Open Access Team. This also equalises opportunity for OA publishing for everyone across the University regardless of career stage and funding. It is also great to know this applies to all The Company of Biologists’ subscription journals.

Dr Nordine Helassa, University of Liverpool, UK

I was thrilled to see that Journal of Cell Science was part of a Read & Publish agreement with the University of Liverpool. It makes the publishing process fast and free of charge for authors. For scientists with limited funding such as early-career researchers, this allows the best research to be published in the best journals without having to think about the financial implications. I wish all publishers would follow the steps of The Company of Biologists.

Dr Aryan Kaveh, The University of Edinburgh, UK

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that The Company of Biologists has a Read & Publish agreement with The University of Edinburgh (amongst other institutes). The initiative allows for immediate Open Access publication without charge in Development, which is especially important for early career researchers!

With the scientific landscape moving further into Open Research, The Company of Biologists is setting a commendable example.

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I was very happy to find out my University has a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. By facilitating Open Access publishing for free this initiative helps to overcome scientific barriers not only in terms of publishing, but also regarding accessibility of recent scientific work.

Dr Joachim Goedhart, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

We chose to submit our work to Journal of Cell Science because of the high quality papers and because their audience seems ideal for our manuscript. We were pleasantly surprised that the charges for Open Access publishing were covered by the Read & Publish agreement between the University of Amsterdam and The Company of Biologists. This is yet another reason to submit our work to Journal of Cell Science in the future!

Professor Tessa Crompton, UCL, UK

It was wonderful to discover that we could publish our paper Open Access for free in Development, thanks to the Read & Publish agreement my university has with The Company of Biologists. It’s great to know that our research is immediately accessible to everyone worldwide who wishes to access it.

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