We didn’t have access to funding to publish our work, so the Read & Publish agreement between our institution and The Company of Biologists was key! We are thrilled that with Open Access, our paper is available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
It was a huge relief to be able to publish our article Open Access in Disease Models & Mechanisms without charge and I wish all publishing was this straightforward. Institutions need to realise Read & Publish is a win-win situation – researchers are supported to publish in high quality journals that everyone will read, rather than seeking the cheapest and sometimes least reliable option with the work often going unseen.
It was great to discover that our institution has a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists, meaning that researchers can publish their articles immediately Open Access without paying an author processing charge (APC). We are thrilled to have our paper freely available to readers anywhere around the globe.
Open Access agreements such as Read & Publish are a step towards making scientific knowledge freely accessible to everyone, which is crucial for the advancement of research and understanding. The ability to immediately publish articles Open Access through the Read & Publish agreement between The Company of Biologists and University College London helped me share our findings and contributions with a wider audience, enabling greater collaboration and dissemination of knowledge. I am grateful for this agreement and the smooth publishing experience with Development.
The Company of Biologists was one of the first publishers MALMAD signed a Read & Publish agreement with. We are now very pleased to renew the agreement, covering the costs for researchers at seven institutions in Israel to publish an unlimited number of Open Access articles in all three of The Company’s hybrid journals, whilst also giving them reading access. Our continued cooperation is an important step in the transition to Open Access.
Mississippi State University faculty researchers can publish an uncapped number of Open Access research articles in the journals Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, and Biology Open, without paying an article processing charge (APC). This is great since it will provide free scholarly Open Access publications for other researchers at no cost to MSU authors.
I’m a big fan of the Read & Publish model that The Company of Biologists is pioneering for disseminating academic research. It is a great way to ensure publicly funded research is available to everyone while supporting a wonderful non-profit publisher that is an important partner with the scientific community. We’re so pleased that Wayne State University has this agreement in place so we can put more resources into our research without compromising on Open Access.
I was excited to find that my university has a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. This meant that I could immediately publish our study of the role of Collagen-6 in the cancer microenvironment as an Open Access article when it was accepted in Journal of Cell Science. This kind of arrangement means that authors can make their work more accessible to everyone and reach a wide audience.
The Company of Biologists was one of the first publishers IReL signed a Read & Publish agreement with. We have been impressed with how they have been a leading example of a small, not-for-profit publisher offering their Read & Publish to libraries and consortia globally, and how they have been active in sharing emerging best practice in OA publishing with the scholarly communications community
It is fantastic to have my final chapter of my PhD published in Journal of Experimental Biology. Additionally, this is my second manuscript to be published for no cost with immediate Open Access as a result of the Read & Publish agreement between the University of Akron and The Company of Biologists. The entire publishing process went smoothly, and this article was also chosen to be featured in their 100 years of research ECR spotlight.
As an early career scientist, it can’t be overstated how important it is to publish Open Access to increase the visibility of your work.