We were very pleased to have our paper published Open Access for free in Development, thanks to the Read & Publish deal between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and The Company of Biologists. Our work ought to reach a wider audience and contribute to making science globally accessible.
We always seek to make our research available Open Access and the new Read & Publish agreement has hugely simplified that process for us as authors and also, I hope, for our Open Access Team. This also equalises opportunity for OA publishing for everyone across the University regardless of career stage and funding. It is also great to know this applies to all The Company of Biologists’ subscription journals.
Knowledge should have no limits so, not only were we absolutely delighted to publish our article in Development, it was great to be able to publish it immediately Open Access without charge thanks to the University of Cambridge’s Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists.
I’m very glad that we had the opportunity to publish this paper Open Access without charge thanks to the Read & Publish agreement my university has with The Company of Biologists. I believe science cannot be hiding behind a paywall and restricted to a selected few but should be reachable by anyone, anywhere.
Happy that my first contribution to the field could be published Open Access thanks to the Read & Publish agreement. It really takes away the barriers on both sides: now anyone that wishes to read our work can do so freely, and we were able to publish our article OA despite not having publishing fees accounted for in our budget. Great initiative! Sets the stage for hopefully publishing the rest of my PhD Open Access too.
We chose to submit our work to Journal of Cell Science because of the high quality papers and because their audience seems ideal for our manuscript. We were pleasantly surprised that the charges for Open Access publishing were covered by the Read & Publish agreement between the University of Amsterdam and The Company of Biologists. This is yet another reason to submit our work to Journal of Cell Science in the future!
It was wonderful to discover that we could publish our paper Open Access for free in Development, thanks to the Read & Publish agreement my university has with The Company of Biologists. It’s great to know that our research is immediately accessible to everyone worldwide who wishes to access it.
Thanks to the Read & Publish Open Access Initiative, we had the opportunity to publish our work Open Access without worrying about the Open Access fee. We really appreciate it as it makes our research findings available to the public, and we can easily share our work with any interested parties.
I was very happy to see that my university participates in the Read & Publish initiative, which facilitates publishing Open Access for free in some of my favourite journals including Development. This was particularly important for my lab in this instance because our relevant funding had just come to an end.
I wish The Company of Biologists good luck in this journey that promises to help our community overcome publishing and accessibility barriers.
When developing a tool, you don’t want it to sit on the proverbial shelf gathering dust, but you want people to use it. The free Open Access option is great because it maximises the number of people who will see your work, and then hopefully use it to make their own discoveries.