As a Research Fellow with limited resources, I am very pleased to be able to publish our article Open Access thanks to the Read & Publish agreement between The Company of Biologists and The University of Bristol. Many thanks are also due to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation who support the submersibles operated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. The Open Access publishing process itself was painless and completed in a matter of minutes. All four authors are delighted that everyone may access our article immediately, rather than it being behind a paywall. It’s a great system.
After years of hard work, we were all excited when our paper was accepted for publication in Development. Naturally, we wanted our work to be accessible for everyone that is interested in reading it, but the cost of Open Access is usually a limiting factor. We were therefore delighted to hear that our institute, the University of Haifa, has a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. This agreement allows us to publish Open Access, free of charge! This is a win-win for all – the people that did the work and want it to be read as broadly as possible, and the readers that want to have access to new research, when it is fresh out of the oven.
It is my sincere view that open scientific communication within the research community is based on Open Access publication, and I am delighted that The Company of Biologists and the Weizmann Institute of Science found a way to support this mode of publication of our article through a Read & Publish agreement.
It is important to me that publicly funded research like our own is available for the public to read, and Open Access agreements are a really great tool to help achieve this. It also makes it much easier for me to share our work with collaborators and other interested parties, which I’m sure helps with the overall dissemination of our research.
Journal of Experimental Biology is one of my favourite journals and I was very pleased that we could publish our article Open Access without charge as a result of the R&P agreement. OA makes our research available to everyone immediately and increases the impact of our work. When you consider how much of our time and public money goes into the production of a scientific article, anything that improves its overall impact and availability amplifies its value.
I think that publicly funded research should be freely available. To have our paper published Open Access free of charge, thanks to the Read & Publish initiative, was simply awesome, and it only took a few clicks to arrange.
My co-authors and I are very grateful to publish our paper Open Access in Journal of Experimental Biology without charge as part of my institution’s Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. We are happy to know that individuals who may not have the privilege of having access to the journal via their institution will nonetheless have access to our publication free of charge.
When UCL announced the transformative agreement with many publishers and the Read & Publish Open Access initiative by The Company of Biologists, I couldn’t have been any happier, in particular since Journal of Cell Science and Development are two go-to journals in our area of vascular cell biology and cell signaling. Undoubtedly, it is these kind of initiatives that are needed to use public research funds money wisely and truly make science accessible and more impactful for all. With this kind of publication policy The Company of Biologists will always remain at the top of the pile for us.
We were delighted to be able to publish our article Open Access free of charge in Journal of Experimental Biology and we feel very privileged to have this opportunity. As early career researchers completing research that was not funded using a massive grant, we had no funds available to cover publication fees. This is a factor that can limit many researchers, so being able to publish Open Access for free was a lifeline for me and my co-authors.
My university’s Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists has allowed me to publish the research from my PhD in Journal of Experimental Biology without having to worry about finding funding for Open Access charges. My work is available instantly for free and can be read by JEB’s wide readership of scientists from different backgrounds.