6 August 2020
Over the last few months, we’ve heard about lab shutdowns, cancelled fieldtrips and virtual PhD defences, but what about the students caught in the middle?
14 July 2020
Alistair McGregor’s group at Oxford Brookes University, UK, uses Drosophila and the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum to understand how different shapes and sizes of animals evolve. …
1 July 2020
“Eventually food transport was going to be stopped, so the field team were airlifted back to Cayenne.”
That was how lockdown started for members of Lauren O’Connell’s lab. …
28 April 2020
Publishing your paper is just the start of communicating your research to the world. Some researchers feel uneasy about self-promotion, but chances are your existing network is interested in what you’re doing – you just need to tell them! …
9 April 2020
On Monday 23 March 2020, the Prime Minister of the UK addressed the nation in what is thought to be the most-watched moment in British television history. The speech outlined new restrictions to help slow the spread of COVID-19 as we were all told: “You must stay home”. …
4 August 2020
The Company of Biologists is the first not-for-profit publisher to commit to this approach. …
6 July 2020
Throughout all fields of biology there are vibrant, active and engaged communities. Social media, email, video chat and webinars mix with personal interactions as the basis of collaborations. …
18 May 2020
When writing a research manuscript, a fundamental step is to figure out the question. Many journals won’t accept a purely descriptive manuscript, which is why it’s so important to address a non-trivial scientific question or hypothesis.
21 April 2020
In February our preprint highlights service preLights celebrated its second birthday. To mark the occasion, we met with Cambridge-based preLighter Meng Zhu. …
30 March 2020
The Company of Biologists Workshop ‘Data Science in Cell Imaging’ took place at Wiston House, West Sussex (UK) between 2 – 5 February 2020.
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