
Prof. Simon Maddrell – forging success from physiology to finance

20 July 2018

The distinguished career of Prof. Simon Maddrell, Emeritus Honorary Professor of Integrative Physiology at Cambridge University, has long been intertwined with the history of The Company of Biologists, and particularly with Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB).

A long (microbial) journey…

30 May 2018

By Prof. Genoveva F. Esteban, Bournemouth University, UK

This is the story of a journey that started a few years back with the finding of a rare community of single-celled organisms in a small and isolated pond in a Dorset nature reserve.

Workshop – Thinking Beyond the Dish

1 May 2018

The Company of Biologists Workshop ‘Thinking Beyond the Dish: Taking In Vitro Neural Differentiation to the Next Level’ took place at Wiston House, West Sussex, UK, from 4 to 7 February 2018.

Data protection – our promise to you

12 April 2018

At The Company of Biologists we take the security of your personal data very seriously. In this video we explain our views on the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and our data protection promise to you.

Collaboration spawns new findings

20 February 2018

The research project of PhD student Filomena Caccavale at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, Italy, has focussed on the role of nitric oxide (NO) during embryonic and larval development of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum (amphioxus).

Intern – Sam Holden

18 July 2018

I undertook my PIPS internship at The Company of Biologists in the Spring of 2018. I wanted to get a feel for what the publishing industry is like from the ‘other side’, as it were, as well as a more general interest in exploring a career in science outside of the laboratory.

From left to right: Julija Hmeljak (Reviews Editor), Sam Holden (PIPS Data Intern), Máté Pálfy (preLights Community Manager) and Claire Moulton (Publisher).

Workshop – Symbiosis in the Microbial World

1 May 2018

The Company of Biologists Workshop ‘Symbiosis in the Microbial World: From Ecology to Genome Evolution’ took place at Wiston House, West Sussex, UK, from 5 to 9 November 2017.

Expanded understanding of leukaemia treatment

19 April 2018

Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC – stem cells that produce new blood cells) is a common treatment for several leukaemias. Following transfusion, HSCs migrate from the circulatory system into bone marrow niches, where they begin a process of self-renewal and proliferation that supports lifelong normal blood cell production.

A focus on DNA repair and cancer

9 March 2018

The DNA in our cells is subject to daily damage from metabolic agents and environmental factors, but most of this damage is successfully repaired by natural systems throughout the cell cycle. However, accumulation of DNA damage due to failures in these natural repair systems is an important risk factor in cancer development.

Transfer of experience

7 February 2018

Intranasal insulin has been shown to improve memory in both humans and mice. However, in most cases less than 0.05% of insulin delivered via the intranasal route actually reaches the brain. Buccal epithelium is routinely used as an in vitro model for investigating peptide uptake, but Elizabeth Rhea, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Medicine at the University of Washington, USA, wished to investigate its potential as a model for screening enhancers of intranasal insulin delivery.

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