
Tracing the evolution of trafficking

13 March 2017

Eukaryotic cells traffic vesicles and cargo through a system of organelles, which allows them to carrying out processes such as endocytosis and exocytosis. Lael Barlow from the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Alberta, Canada, studies the evolution of proteins involved in membrane trafficking, including components of Adaptor and SNARE protein complexes. His bioinformatics work suggests differences in how membrane trafficking occurs in single-celled eukaryotes compared with animals and fungi.

The company seal



22 March 2016

The company seal designed by Bidder features two Egyptian symbols.

Camille Viaut, a PIPS intern from the University of East Anglia

4 September 2015

“This internship was a great introduction to the Publishing world. I worked in a nice and stimulating environment, as part of a team, and was supervised by two mentors who helped me to complete my projects and answered all my questions. I think that was a very good experience for me, as a PhD student, working in a completely different but still science-related field.”

Intern – Rebekah Tillotson

11 August 2015

In summer 2015, I carried out my PIPS at The Company of Biologists, a not-for-profit publisher producing five well regarded life science journals. I wanted to gain insight into scientific publishing to give me an advantaged position when thinking about how to publish my own research as an academic, and to gain experience in this sector as a possible career option.

Image - story Rebekah Tillotson

Sharon Ahmad (Journal of Cell Science), Rebekah Tillotson (intern), Katherine Brown (Development) and Rachel Hackett (Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open).

Meet our Directors: Göran Nilsson

17 July 2015

Professor Göran Nilsson has long been interested in animals that can do the extreme. His research group at the University of Oslo has studied adaptations to variable oxygen levels in the brain, heart and respiratory organs of various animals that can survive without any oxygen for months. It has also studied the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the physiology of marine fishes, to find out how they will cope with the predicted increases in ocean temperature and acidity.

A simple experiment recently reminded Göran how biology has the ability to excite. He was studying changes in the behaviour of

The Company of Biologists: who we are and what we do

20 October 2016

The Company of Biologists is a not-for-profit publisher that exists to support biologists and inspire biology.

Intern – Anna Bobrowska

16 February 2016

In 2015 I spent nine months working as an Editorial Intern at Journal of Cell Science. Coming from a postdoc, this was my first foray into the non-academic world, which I undertook to gain experience to help me start a career in science publishing.

Sharon and Anna_the nice picture

Anna Bobrowska (Intern) and Sharon Ahmad (Executive Editor, Journal of Cell Science)

My primary project was to help start and run “Cell Scientists To Watch”, a new interview series with up-and-coming cell biologists. It involved coming up with questions, selecting and inviting candidates, as well as conducting, transcribing and editing the interviews.

Message in a bottle

Message in a bottle (image from the MBA Archive)

28 August 2015

George Parker Bidder III, the founder of The Company of Biologists, was an eminent marine biologist. While working at the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth in the early 1900s, Bidder released over 1,000 bottles into the North Sea as part of his investigations into water movements (in comparison with the direction of plaice migration). The majority were trawled up by fishermen, but some of the bottles were presumed to be lost for ever.

Paresh Vyas

17 July 2015

Today Paresh Vyas is Professor of Haematology and Honorary Consultant Haematologist as well as Group Leader at the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit in Oxford, UK. He runs a clinical practice in myeloid disorders (especially Acute Myeloid Leukaemia) and has research interests including haematological defect in MDS and AML, in adults and children with Down Syndrome.

He first studied medicine at Cambridge University, before moving on

Meet our Directors: Kate Storey

17 July 2015

Kate Storey’s early career took her from the University of Sussex where she obtained a BSc in Neurobiology, via a PhD with Michael Bate at Cambridge, to post-doctoral research with David Weisblat at the University of California at Berkeley. Returning to the UK and the University of Oxford she continued post-doctoral research with Claudio Stern before establishing her own independent research group. In 2000, she moved her group to the College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee.

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Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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