
July 2024 – Get an inside look into a successful, sustainable conference

We interviewed Chrissy Hammond who recently ran the British Society for Matrix Biology (BSMB) meeting from April 2024 with the help of the Fund for Innovations in Sustainable Conferencing. We met with many of the stakeholders involved in the organisation process who contributed to making this a successful green event. This article covers some great ideas and examples that should provide lots of help for anyone looking to run their own sustainable workshop or meeting.

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June 2024 – Inclusion, diversity and social sustainability at meetings

The social side of sustainability is often overlooked when compared with environmental impacts. Social contribution and environmental actions are both equally important in the fight against climate change. Check out our latest tips on how to include more practices that support socially responsible goals of sustainability when planning an academic event.

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April 2024 – Sustainable menus at events: nurturing with less impact (part 2)

Creating a sustainable menu for your event can sometimes be challenging. In this blog, we are exploring more tips on how to make sure that what you put on the plate is supporting environmental and social goals.

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March 2024 – Grants awarded to organisers of 24 events in 13 countries

Grants were awarded to organisers of the following events in Argentina, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the USA.

See funded events |  Learn more about our Fund for Innovations in Sustainable Conferencing

March 2024 – Fund for Innovations in Sustainable Conferencing – new name, but same support

For 2024 The Company of Biologists’ made the decision to rename and relaunch our Sustainable Conferencing Grants – going forward the scheme is now the Fund for Innovations in Sustainable conferencing. This change is to highlight our enthusiasm for supporting creative ideas that can transform the way that we organise scientific meetings. To find out more about what innovation in sustainable conferencing looks like, we spoke to Sally Lowell who recently organised a multi-hub event over three different locations, to learn more about how the event went.

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January 2024 – Our plans for sustainable Workshops in 2024

While the threats of climate change continue to grow, The Company of Biologists are committed to making our own Workshops more sustainable. Throughout 2023 we have made efforts to track and reduce the carbon impact of our in person events. We will reinforce this strategy into 2024 and continue to explore new and innovative ideas that can help us make our events more sustainable this year and beyond.

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December 2023 – Workshops in 2023: our sustainability journey

One of the event teams objectives for 2023 was to try and actively reduce the carbon footprint of our scientific Workshops which are held in the UK. The goal was to tackle this in a number of ways including looking at the sustainability of venues we used.

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November 2023 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of 20 events in 13 countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in Austria, Azerbaijan, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK and the USA.

See funded events | Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants

November 2023 – Choosing sustainable venues: a guide

As a high part of the carbon footprint of an event comes from accommodation and catering, it is important to make conscious and well informed decisions decision about it. The sustainability of a venue can be understood by assessing the impact from multiple aspects of it.

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October 2023 – Sustainable transport: one goal, more solutions working together

Travelling represents the largest carbon impact of an event. We interviewed Dr Serena Stanga, who was awarded a Sustainable Conferencing Grant, to find out more on how she found a solution that combined technology with alternative travelling for her symposium “In pursuit of healthy brain aging: unveiling the biology of novel age-related mechanisms leading to dementia”.

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September 2023 – Sustainable menus at events: nurturing with less impact (part 1)

Event catering can account for 7-17% of event carbon footprint, but putting in practice sustainable strategies can significantly decrease its environmental impact.

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September 2023 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of 11 events in eight countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Chile, France, India, Poland and the UK.

See funded events | Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants

August 2023 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of two events in two countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in India and Poland.

See funded events | Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants

July 2023 – The Forest of Biologists – an interview with Professor Steven Kelly

The Forest of Biologists was launched on 13 March 2023. We recently caught up with Steven Kelly, Professor of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford and former Editor-in-Chief of Biology Open, who planted the seed for this project several years ago.

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May 2023 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of ten events in eight countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in Argentina, Cameroon, Germany, Israel, Italy, Nepal, the UK and the USA.

See funded events | Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants

March 2023 – Decolonising and Diversifying Biosciences Education: a focus on inclusivity and sustainability

A Sustainable Conferencing Grant was instrumental in allowing the organisers of this event to successfully run the symposium in a fully hybrid manner. It also allowed them to put inclusivity and sustainability at the forefront of the meeting’s organisation.

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March 2023 – Our new bio-positive publishing initiative, The Forest of Biologists

We are excited to announce the launch of The Forest of Biologists, our new bio-positive publishing initiative that celebrates the contributions of authors and peer reviewers to our journals. For each published Research Article or Review article, a tree is planted in a UK forest. In addition, we are funding the restoration and preservation of ancient woodland and dedicating these trees to our peer reviewers. All trees are also represented in a virtual forest and, with each new piece of research, the forest grows.

Read the announcement [PDF] | Enter the virtual forest

March 2023 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of 17 events in 11 countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in Belgium, Chile, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Nigeria, Poland, Spain, the UK and the USA.

See funded events |  Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants

February 2023 – Funding sustainable travel to the British Neuroscience Association meeting

With the help of a Sustainable Conferencing Grant, the organisers of a British Neuroscience meeting in December 2022 were able to offer ‘Train over Plane’ travel grants. These grants reimbursed BNA members who chose to travel to the meeting by train, coach or carshare, rather than catching a plane.

Learn more in our blog

December 2022 – Rethinking sustainability at the Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar

A Sustainable Conferencing Grant helped the organisers of the Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar in September 2022 to reduce the environmental impact of the meeting. The meeting was free of single-use plastics and attendees were particularly impressed by the chance to repurpose their poster as a tote bag.

Learn more in our blog

November 2022 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of 12 events in eight countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Mexico, Switzerland, the UK and the USA.

See funded events |  Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants 

November 2022 – The first Student Conference of Plant Biology organised “by students for students” and respecting the environment

A Sustainable Conferencing Grant helped to enable a unique bottom-to-top scientific event focusing on sustainability and environmental-friendly measures.

Learn more in our blog

November 2022 – The Indian C. elegans Meeting goes green

The organisers of this event used a Sustainable Conferencing Grant to reduce the environmental impact of their event.

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November 2022 – How BraYn 2022 used their Sustainable Conferencing Grant

The organisers of this event used a Sustainable Conferencing Grant to help fund access to hybrid conferencing software and various other sustainability touches.

Learn more in our blog

September 2022 –  Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of six events in four countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in the Cameroon, Germany, Italy and the UK.

See funded events |  Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants 

June 2022 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of 12 events in nine countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in Brazil, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, South Africa, Spain and the UK.

See funded events |  Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants 

March 2022 – Sustainable Conferencing Grants awarded to organisers of 13 events in eight countries

Sustainable Conferencing Grants were awarded to organisers of events in Canada, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Slovenia, Spain and the UK.

See funded events |  Learn more about Sustainable Conferencing Grants 

Any questions?

Would you like to apply for a grant from our Fund for Innovations in  Sustainable Conferencing Initiative?

Sustainability Initiative in action

Which events have we funded?

The Forest of Biologists – our new biodiversity initiative

Keep up to date with the latest sustainability news

Visit our journal websites

Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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