Building a Centrosome
Organisers: Fanni Gergely and David Glover
Date: 10th - 13th March 2013
Location: Wiston House, Steyning, West Sussex, UK
The centrosome, a small organelle, is a key microtubule organising centre in cells. It is composed of a pair of cylindrical centrioles that are embedded in a protein-rich matrix. In each cell cycle the centrosome duplicates once and only once in a semi-conservative fashion much like the DNA in the nucleus. Centrosomes play important roles both in cycling and non-cycling cells: in the former they participate in building the bipolar mitotic spindle, whereas in the latter they modulate the assembly of the primary cilium, a structure implicated in sensing and signalling. The presence of functional centrosomes is therefore important for cell physiology.
The last few years have seen an impressive increase in our knowledge and understanding of the biology of the centrosome, but many unanswered questions remain. Indeed, how does the cell actually build a centrosome? What are the regulatory pathways that ensure timely assembly of the new centrosome? Does the centrosome have different roles in symmetrically and asymmetrically dividing cells? Does the centrosome have specialised functions in different tissues? This Workshop aimed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to facilitate the exchange of ideas.

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Published Information from the Workshop
- Meeting report written by Alexandre D. Baffet, Carol-Anne Martin, Ilaria Scarfone, Owen M. Daly, Ahuvit David, Alexandra Tibelius, Ramona Lattao, Muhammad S. Hussain and Jeffrey B. Woodruff and published in the Journal of Cell Science.
- JCS Executive Editor Sharon Ahmad’s interview with Jordan Raff at the Workshop.
Organisers & Speakers
David Glover University of Cambridge, UK
Monica Bettencourt-Dias IGC, Lisbon, Portugal
Michel Bornens Institut Curie, Paris, France
Stephen Doxsey University of Massachusetts, USA
Susan Dutcher Washington University, St Louis, USA
Pierre Gonczy EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Cayetano Gonzalez IRB, Barcelona, Spain
Gillian Griffiths University of Cambridge, UK
Iain Hagan University of Manchester, UK
Ingrid Hoffman DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
Tony Hyman Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany
Alexey Khodjakov Wadsworth Center, New York, USA
Erich Nigg University of Basel, Switzerland
Karen Oegema University of California, San Diego, USA
David Pellman Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA
Jordan Raff University of Oxford, UK
Ken Sawin University of Edinburgh, UK
Elmar Schiebel University of Heidelberg, Germany
Tim Stearns Stanford University, California, USA
Richard Vallee Columbia University, USA
Mark Winey University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
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