
Stochasticity in Cell and Developmental Processes

Organisers: James Briscoe

Date: 17th - 20th October 2010

Location: Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, Berkshire, UK

The process of transcription is, from the biochemical point of view, very dependent on the concentration and molecular interactions of transcription factors and components of the basal transcriptional machinery. Recent studies in unicellular organisms have shown that, as a consequence, there is a significant stochastic element to gene expression. This can give rise to non-genetic heterogeneity in a population of cells. In some cases stochasticity is exploited for function while in other cases its influence has to be minimized. There are hints that these observations also hold for metazoans and that stochasticity in gene expression is intrinsic to developmental systems where they might be used as an element of pattern formation.

This Workshop aimed to bring together groups studying stochasticity and gene regulation in yeast and bacteria with people interested in similar questions in metazoan development.


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Stochasticity in Cell and Developmental Processes

17th – 20th October 2010

Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, Berkshire, UK

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