The Company of Biologists is widely known for its excellence in scientific publishing, and now runs a successful high-level series of Workshops.
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In June 2018, Heike Blockus, a postdoc in Franck Polleux’s lab at Columbia University in the City of New York, attended the ‘Development and evolution of the human neocortex’ Workshop as one of the ten early-career researchers offered a funded place. Read about what the Workshop meant to Heike as an early-career researcher, and to the field of human brain evolution and development, in her post on the Node.
9 May 2023
Getting involved as an organiser for one of our Workshops is easy. We focus on the logistics, so you can focus solely on the science. Are you thinking about proposing a topic for one of our Workshops? Watch this video to hear from some of our previous organisers.
Explore previous Workshop topics through our video interviews, meeting reports and photo galleries. From neural stem cells through obesity and genome engineering to evolution of the human neocortex, mitosis and more.
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