
Essay competition: Innovative ideas for the future of sustainable events

21 March 2025

In the light of climate change, biologists are working together to find a way of running scientific meetings in a more sustainable manner. We are putting a call out to everyone (biologists or not) to share with us their idea that could innovate the way we organise events with a lower environmental impact.

Write an essay of maximum 1000 words to details how your idea will change the way we organise scientific events and will open the door to a new concept of organising events in the next 10 years.

The best ideas will be rewarded. The winning essays will be rewarded with £250 for first prize, £150 for second prize and £100 for third prize. The winning essays will be selected by our Sustainability Committee and will have the opportunity to feature on our website.

Your essay should cover three aspects:

  1. Present your original idea that will change the way we organise events in the next 10 years.
  2. Tell us why it is innovative.
  3. Explain to us what positive impact your idea can bring and why you think it will make a difference in making events more sustainable.


  • Cover in your essay all the three points mentioned above.
  • The idea you present must be innovative and original. We do not take into consideration ideas that are already sold as products on the market, but we do consider essays that present a different and innovative way of using existing products that were not previously in practice before.
  • Your essay should have a title.
  • Your essay should not be more than 1,000 words.
  • In the same document with the essay, please include a cover page for the document of the essay to include: title of the essay, name of the author, organisation affiliated (if any), title and email contact details.
  • To submit, send this essay in a pdf or docs format attached to sustainability@biologists.com. Please note that we do not accept submissions with any links that requires us to download the document with the essay.
  • If you submit the essay, you agree for us to potentially publish your essay on our website. You also agree for us to proofread it and edit it before publishing it (we will share with you a final version for you to comment and agree before posting).
  • All essays must be submitted in English.

Deadline: 20 May 2025 (which is also World Bee Day)

For any questions, contact us at sustainability@biologists.com.

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Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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